After 3 years – reviving

It proves a whole burden to maintain properly this website. After 3 years, a number of changes and currently back in Cyprus working for the University of Limassol… I finally found some time to update this website… Every time I hope I will keep track of everything and update it frequently, but this is not my priority.

Having taking the position of Professor of Quantitative Methods and Analytics at the University of Limassol and moving the whole family to Cyprus a new chapter and a whole new set of challenges is lying ahead.

This is the time also to cherish my 10 years in Cardiff and my 18 years away from my motherland of Cyprus. The numerous friends and colleagues I met and I left behind. Live moves forward. I enjoyed every moment,i enjoyed every single opportunity that was given to me. But Cardiff is where everything changed. The family grew bigger, the career evolved. Cardiff for me will be a special place, as is State College, Houghton and even the RTP where I spend sometime in SAMSI. In every place my life took a step forward. In every place I have left with a positive gain. Cardiff, being the longest, is where my life took a whole jump, not just a step. Diolch Caerdydd.

I will keep you updated as life moves forward back home.

Long (and strange year)

With all the adversity that this year has brought in our lives, professionally it has been a very good year in terms of paper output. The following papers have been accepted:

  • Ben Jones and Andreas Artemiou (accepted December 2020) “Revisiting the predictive power of kernel principal components”, Statistics and Probability Letters.
  • Andreas Artemiou, Yuexiao Dong and Seung-Jun Shin (accepted November 2020). “Real-time sufficient dimension reduction through principal least squares support vector machines”, Pattern Recognition.
  • Andreas Artemiou (accepted September 2020) “Using mutual information to measure the predictive potential of principal components”, Dennis Cook Festschrift by Springer. (edited by Efstathia Bura and Bing Li)
  • Hayley Randall, Andreas Artemiou and Xingye Qiao (accepted July 2020) “Sufficient Dimension Reduction based on Distance-Weighted Discrimination”, Scandinavian Journal of Statistics.
  • Stephen Babos and Andreas Artemiou (2020) “Sliced Inverse Median Difference Regression”, Statistical Methods and Applications, 29, 937-954
  • Ben Jones, Andreas Artemiou and Bing Li (2020) “On the predictive potential of kernel principal components”, Electronic Journal of Statistics, 14, 1-23.

I also have another two papers that appeared in the different arXiv libraries:

  • Ross Burton, Raya Ahmed, Simone Cuff, Andreas Artemiou and Matthias Eberl (2020) “Cytopy: an autonomous cytometry analysis framework”, bioarXiv (submitted also for publication April 2020)
  • Mark J Ponsford et al “Extended laboratory panel testing in the Emergency Department for risk-stratification of patients with COVID-19: a single centre retrospective service evaluation” (submitted also for publication October 2020)

And I have another 9 papers that were submitted and are currently considered for publication in different journals.

My Ph.D. student Hayley Randall will be submitting her dissertation at the end of the year and I am in the hunt for 1 or 2 more PhD students to join the team.

Have a happy festive period everyone – get some rest and hopefully 2021 will bring us back the normality we used to live, in the pre-COVID era. Health and happiness to all of you out there.

Long summer… a small update

It’s been a very long summer professionally. A quick overview:

  • I had a visit from Dr. Joni Virta (Aalto University/Turku University) for two weeks in late June and early July which enabled the discussion on new projects for dimension reduction on tensor data.
  • I also went to visit Dr. Eugen Pircalabelu (UC Louvain) for a week in early August where we worked on dimension reduction methods for the High dimensional low sample size (HDLSS) framework.
  • I had three papers accepted to different journals. One was the result of a collaborative work with Prof. Irena Spasic in COMSC here in Cardiff University with the title: Unsupervised multi–word term recognition in Welsh which was accepted to a conference about Celtic Languages. The second was a paper on robust sufficient dimension reduction in Statistics with title: Using adaptively weighted large margin classifiers for robust sufficient dimension reduction (10.1080/02331888.2019.1636050) and finally the third a paper on robust sufficient dimension reduction which was accepted for a special edition on Stastistical Modelling with applications oi the journal of Mathematics and Statistics (Science Publications)
  • I also submitted four of other papers: The first one was a revision of a manuscript with my student Stephen Babos. The second a paper with my collaborators, Dr. Yuexiao Dong and Dr. Seung-Jun Shin. The third one is a first submission of a pape we wrote with my collaborator Dr. Eugen Pircalabelu. The final one is with my Ph.D. student Ben Jones and my former supervisor Ptof. Bing Li (a resubmission of an earlier paper).
  • I accepted a new Ph.D. Student to start in my group Mrs. Alya Alzahrani who is self funded and started in July 1st, 2019.
  • My Ph.D. student Luke Smallman, who will be submitting soon, is writing his Ph.D. dissertation and he is writing a couple of papers to be submitted. At the same time he got a new job in Admiral.
  • Finally, I got promoted to Senior Lecturer… (yes I wrote this blog post to make you aware of this…)

Hello world! A note on the quotes in the site…

I am not going to be very active in writing blog posts, but I believe that since I am using a couple of quotes in this website from a graduation talk D. Washington did a few years ago, it is only right if my first blog post is about this video.  Since 2017 I am showing this video on the first lecture of my first year Probability module I teach and students have a very positive response to it. (Note that these students are in their first week of their University life when they see this video).

Here is a link of a video Goalcast made which contains only part of the talk which they were put in suc a way to make it even more inspiring (as this is what Goalcast does).   This is the version I show to my students since it is a shorter one:

To be fair though I need to put the whole speech and I think this is the whole speech (with Chinese subtitles but I couldn’t find a better one)… The reason I add this version is because, Denzel Washington did mention God as the first thing one has to do and Goalcast left this (and any other reference to God) completely out.  I do believe if you are trying to be inspirational it is only fair that the audience sees the full spectrum of your inspiration and motivation.