Here is a list of my former Ph.D. students that I was the main supervisor:
- Benjamin Jones (Oct 2016 – April 2023): Ben was funded by EPSRC funding to the School and he applied to do a Ph.D. in my group. His background was in Pure Maths and therefore we decided to take advantage of his knowledge in that area and do some work with Functional and Kernel Principal Component Analysis (FPCA and KPCA). He has published one paper on the predicting potential of FPCA in a regression setting (Annals of the Institute of Statistical Mathematics – 2020) and two on the predictive potential of KPCA (Electronic Journal of Statistics – 2020), Statistics and Probability Letters, 2021). He has a work in progress on the predictive potential of nonlinear PCA. Another major part of his Ph.D. was his work on sufficient dimension reduction in metric spaces at the presence of categorical predictors. His work on this is currently submitted for publication His second supervisor was Prof. Karl-Michael Schmidt. He had his viva with no corrections in April 2023 (Examiners: Prof. Richard Samworth (Cambridge) and Prof. Nikolai Leonenko (Cardiff)). His first job after Ph.D. is as a Data Scientist in MBDA. Until now we have published:
- Jones and Artemiou (2021 – Statistics and Probability Letters)
- Jones, Artemiou and Li (2020 – Electronic Journal of Statistics)
- Jones and Artemiou (2020 – Annals of the Institute of Statistical Mathematics)
- Alya Alzahrani (July 2019 – Feb 2023): Alya was self funded. Her second supervisor was Dr. Bertrand Gauthier. She developed methods to perform envelope-based classification algorithms and sparse envelope-based classification algorithms. She had her viva in November 2022 and submitted her corrections in February 2023. (Examiners: Dr. Sandipan Roy (Bath) and Dr. Jonathan Gillard (Cardiff)). We currently have some papers in progress out of her Ph.D.
- Hayley Randall (Oct 2016 – June 2022): Hayley was funded by EPSRC funding to the School and she applied to do a Ph.D. in my group after taking a 3rd year module on Multivariate Statistics. Her second supervisor was Dr. Jonathan Gillard. She was working interested in Dimension Reduction for high-dimensional problems (large p and either large n (n>p) or small n (p>n)). She ended up finishing with an M.Phil. (Examiners: Prof. Rajen Shah (Cambridge) and Prof. Daniel Farewell (Caridff- Medical school)). Since August 2022 she is a Senior Statistician at Data Cymru. Papers we published:
- Randall, Qiao and Artemiou (2021) – Scandinavian Journal of Statistics
- Luke Smallman (Oct 2015 – Mar 2019): Luke began working with me in the summer of 2014 as the recipient of a London Mathematical Society Undergraduate Research Bursary (LMS URB). His work on reweighted algorithms of SVM to treat the imbalance of slices in the SDR framework was published in Communications in Statistics – Theory and Methods. Following this, when funding became available (through funding given to us kindly by Prof. Paul Harper) to study his Ph.D. on topics related to dimension reduction for text data he started his Ph.D. on Oct 2015. Initially in his supervisory team was Dr. Jennifer Morgan (currently with NHS Delivery Unit in Bridgend) and after her departure Prof. Paul Harper joined the supervisory team. During his Ph.D. he has focused on sparse exponential family PCA algorithms (with a focus in the Poisson distribution due to its direct application to the analysis of text data). On this topic he has published two papers (Pattern Recognition 2018 and Computational Statistics 2019). A literature review on exponential family PCA was accepted in December 2021 by Journal of Statistical Theory and Practice. In his final part of his Ph.D. Luke worked on a unified framework for the development of exponential family PCA algorithms and another one on the asymptotic properties of estimating estimations relating to PCA. Luke submitted in September 2019 and he had his viva in December 2019 (Examiners: Dr. Ioannis Kosmidis (Warwick) and Dr. Jonathan Gillard (Cardiff)). His corrections were approved in March 2020. Since August 2019 he works as a Data Analyst in Admiral. Publications:
- Smallman and Artemiou (2022) Journal of Statistical Theory and Practice.
- Smallman, Underwood and Artemiou (2020) Computational Statistics
- Smallman, Artemiou and Morgan (2018) Pattern Recognition
- Smallman and Artemiou (2017) Communication in Statistics – Theory and Methods
- Smallman and Artemiou (2022) Journal of Statistical Theory and Practice.
Here is a list of my former Ph.D. students that I was a co-supervisor:
- Ross Burton (Oct 2018 – Dec 2022 – Medical School): Ross was supervised mainly by Prof. Matthias Eberl and was working on developing machine learning methods for cytometry data. He worked on a number of different topics including COVID-19 and developed the work on CytoPy. He passed his viva in December 2022 with no corrections. His frist job was a Senior consultant in Zifo and now he is a Data Scientist in Newton Healthcare Solutions. We had a number of papers during his Ph.D.:
- Burton et al (2022) – Bioinformatics
- Ponsford et al (2022) – Journal of Clinical Pathology
- Burton et al (2021) – PLOS Computational Biology
- Kimon Ntotsis (Jan 2019 – Nov 2022 – University of Aegean): Kimon started his Ph.D. with my former Professor Alex Karagrigoriou (taught me when I was doing my BSc at the University of Cyprus). Alex asked me to join the 3 member supervisory team. His work was on different aspect of data analysis in high-dimensional settings. He had the presentation of his PhD in October 2022. He is a post-doctoral researcher in Leicester University. We are still collaborating together and we have a number of papers submitted in progress. We have published:
- Ntotsis, Artemiou and Karagrigoriou (2022) – Econometrics
- Timothy Vivian-Griffiths (Oct 2013 – Mar 2017 – Medical School): Tim started his Ph.D. in the Medical School and his studies were fully funded. I was involved on his studies after October 2014 when his primary supervisor Valentina Escott-Price kindly asked me to join the supervisory team. His dissertation was on the use of machine learning techniques to identify if interactions of genes are important in identifying people who suffer from the disease. Tim’s first job after finishing his Ph.D was as a data scientist for a data consulting company. Publications:
- Vivian-Griffiths et al (2019). American Journal of Medical Genetics Part B: Neuropsychiatric Genetics.