Long summer… a small update

It’s been a very long summer professionally. A quick overview:

  • I had a visit from Dr. Joni Virta (Aalto University/Turku University) for two weeks in late June and early July which enabled the discussion on new projects for dimension reduction on tensor data.
  • I also went to visit Dr. Eugen Pircalabelu (UC Louvain) for a week in early August where we worked on dimension reduction methods for the High dimensional low sample size (HDLSS) framework.
  • I had three papers accepted to different journals. One was the result of a collaborative work with Prof. Irena Spasic in COMSC here in Cardiff University with the title: Unsupervised multi–word term recognition in Welsh which was accepted to a conference about Celtic Languages. The second was a paper on robust sufficient dimension reduction in Statistics with title: Using adaptively weighted large margin classifiers for robust sufficient dimension reduction (10.1080/02331888.2019.1636050) and finally the third a paper on robust sufficient dimension reduction which was accepted for a special edition on Stastistical Modelling with applications oi the journal of Mathematics and Statistics (Science Publications)
  • I also submitted four of other papers: The first one was a revision of a manuscript with my student Stephen Babos. The second a paper with my collaborators, Dr. Yuexiao Dong and Dr. Seung-Jun Shin. The third one is a first submission of a pape we wrote with my collaborator Dr. Eugen Pircalabelu. The final one is with my Ph.D. student Ben Jones and my former supervisor Ptof. Bing Li (a resubmission of an earlier paper).
  • I accepted a new Ph.D. Student to start in my group Mrs. Alya Alzahrani who is self funded and started in July 1st, 2019.
  • My Ph.D. student Luke Smallman, who will be submitting soon, is writing his Ph.D. dissertation and he is writing a couple of papers to be submitted. At the same time he got a new job in Admiral.
  • Finally, I got promoted to Senior Lecturer… (yes I wrote this blog post to make you aware of this…)